Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baking with friends (260210)

I spent another afternoon baking with friends at my place... and this was what we made!

The first on our list.....

This is a soft and fluffy muffin with a generous serving of choc chip+blueberry jam in the centre. I like the texture of the muffin but not the too sweet centre...

Next up will be Scones.... This recipe calls for the use of a food blender to cut the ingredients in order to create a soft type of scones. Without any in my house, we decided to adapt and use the rubbing-in method. The amount of butter used in this recipe is scary... and we spent a long long time rubbing in the butter.

The original recipe uses cream to cover the top of scones before baking. We did not.... and out first batch of scones had burnt apricot slices. :( We became smarter and covered all the apricot slices with the batter in our subsequent batches... and they turned out much better...

And my 2 dear friends lovingly shaped the scones to make the following for their bfs... I had one from Pearly too :)

The scones were indeed soft in texture... much better than those hard as rock kinda scones that you eat outside... but the amount of butter used makes me think twice about making them again.

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