Friday, May 29, 2009

Some of the things I baked (before attending classes)...

What you see in the first picture is definitely one of the most disastrous cake I have ever baked and I still had the cheek to give it to my colleagues. Haha... This was my first bake item after the purchase of my oven. Without any background knowledge of folding and other baking techniques, the cake turned out terrible..... full of air lobangs inside. Worse still, I baked a chiffon cake in a tube pan... I didn't know that was not a chiffon tin ma.... Heh :P

Okay, what you will see now looks slightly more professional... It is not really done by me, but it is made with my oven.. so must also put here... It is a chicken pie and I only helped to put everything together and cook the filling. The puff pastry was done by my sis. Actually the end product was not too fantastic... I rem the pastry was too thick and the chicken was cut into too small pieces... Not bad for a first time... have been telling my sis that I want to learn to make the puff pastry coz it is so amazing!!! But.... procrastination.... there always seem to be other more interesting and easier stuff to bake. :)

See my cute Disney characters butter biscuit!!! I remember it is not easy to make the dough. Not exactly very yummy but very very cute!!!!!! Some of my friends like the taste though....

Next up is a chocolate swirl cheesecake adapted from Happy Homebaker's blog. Didn't manage to take a photo of what it looks like on the inside as it was finished up quite fast. Chocolate and cheese is good!

One of the last photos that I can find in my picture folder for pre-baked items - Pineapple tarts. Mixed reviews for the tarts. Some find it too sweet, some feel that it has too much fibre, others think it is good. I personally feel that it is not the type of pineapple tarts that I like. Still looking for the perfect melt-in-the-mouth kinda tarts.... *drooling*

Okie.... this pretty sums up much of what I baked before I attended my classes... :)

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